Role of the Mayor
The Mayor is appointed by the Grand Duke from among the Luxembourg members of the Municipal Council for a term of six years unless he is no longer a member of the Municipal Council. He/she is a member of the Municipal Council and the College of Burgomasters and Aldermen, over which he/she presides and in whose decisions he/she participates.
The powers of the mayor, in addition to those of the members of the municipal council and the college of aldermen, are as follows
- enforcement of police laws and regulations
- requests for the intervention of the police in cases specially provided for by law
- performance of the duties of a civil registrar
- policing of entertainment
- attendance at meetings of administrative commissions, civil hospices and social hospices
- provocation of the placement in a closed psychiatric institution or service of persons suffering from serious mental disorders which make them dangerous to themselves or to others
- signing of regulations and decisions of the local council and the college of aldermen, publications, acts and correspondence of the municipality
- possibility of delegating, in the forms and cases provided for by the law, one or other of its powers to an alderman, councillor or civil servant.