Labels and certifications
The municipality of Mondorf-les-Bains is committed to maintaining its various labels and certifications, symbols of quality and commitment in a variety of areas.
- Drëpsi Gold label for excellent drinking water quality
- SuperDrecksKëscht label for environmentally-friendly waste management
- Commune Fairtrade for fair trade
- 65% Climate Pact 2.0 certificate for sustainable development
- Energiepass for energy efficiency in municipal buildings
- EureWelcome label for barrier-free tourism
- Mérite Jeunesse certification for youth commitment
Various memberships
Office Régional du Tourisme, Région Moselle Luxembourgeoise
Leader Miselerland
Ëmweltberodung – Lëtzebuerg
Energiekooperativ Kanton Réimech
Copil – Comité de pilotage Natura 2000
ALA – Association Luxembourg Alzheimer
Club Senior Wëlle Wäin
Entente Touristique de la Moselle Luxembourgeoise
E.O.M. – Entwicklungskonzept Oberes Moseltal
Euregio Saarlorlux
Initiativ Liewensufank – Baby Plus
MEC asbl
Schengen asbl
Syndicat d’Initiative Mondorf-les-Bains
G.E.I.E Terroir Moselle
HELP asbl
Stëftung Hëllef Doheem