Local Associations

  • Agriculture

    CTF “Coin de Terre et du Foyer” Munneref

    Chairman: Mr C. SCHOMMER Tél.: (+352) 621.299.122

    Cercle avicole Mondorf

    Chairman: Mr R. BEISSEL Phone: (+352) 621.215.066

  • Merchants' Associations

    Association des Commerçants et Artisans de Mondorf-les-Bains

    1, avenue Lou Hemmer (Mme M. BOLLIER) L-5627 MONDORF-LES-BAINS Chairman: Mr E. PANIEL Contact : acammondorf@gmail.com

  • Kennel Clubs

    Club luxembourgeois des bergers français et du chien de montagne des Pyrénées

    President : Mrs M.-J. MELCHIOR-SCHLECHTER Tel: (+352) 78.70.39

    Dobermann Club du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

    President : Mrs M.-J. MELCHIOR-SCHLECHTER Tel: (+352) 78.70.39

    Dogs in Motion A.s.b.l.

    AMIAVY A.s.b.l.

    President: Mrs L. PEREIRA Tel: 691.260.326 (Helping animals in need and getting them adopted)

  • Hot Air Balloons

    New Spirit Balloons asbl

    Lieu-dit “le Moulin”, route de Luxembourg L – 5670 ALTWIES Chairman: Mr C. ARENDT Tél.: (+352) 40.62.71

  • Music and choirs

    Chorale Ste Cécile Mondorf – AEM

    President: Ms C. MILLIM-KONEN Tel: (+352) 621 354 996

    Harmonie Municipale de Mondorf-les-Bains

    Chairman: Mr C. KLEMMER Tél.: (+352) 661.732.920

  • Paint

    Art Création 1, rue du Curé L – 5690 ELLANGE President: Mrs L. HEIN Tel: (+352) 621.710.196
  • Club services

    Amicale Pompjeeën Mondorf-Altwies 16, route de Luxembourg L – 5634 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: Mr S. ALTENHOVEN Tel: (+352) 691.668.619

    Lions ClubMondorf-les-BainsPresident: Mr R. MAX

    Kiwanis ClubMondorf-les-Bains President: Mr J. SCHOOSTTel: (+352) 621.142.088

    RotarySchengen-Mondorf-les-BainsPresident: Mrs M. SCHMIT

    Wëlle Wäin 1, rue Neuve L – 5560 REMICH Tel: (+352) 28.13.74

  • Socio-cultural

    Amicale Amitié81President: Mr G. KIEFFER Tel: (+352)

    AmicaleEllengPrésident: Mr R. GOEDERT Tel: (+352) 691.864.127

    Amicale vun de Munnerefer Mais President: Mrs C. SCHONG-GUILL Tel: (+352) 691.651.447

    AmiperasPresident: Mrs H. KUHLMANN-HEIRENDT Tel: (+352)

    Freunde des alten Handwerks a.sb.l President: Mrs G. JACQUE Tel: (+352) 621 237 755

    Les Amis de l’Ancienne Synagogue President: Mr D.THILMAN Tel: (+352) 621 386 216

    Munnerefer Mais (scouting) Chairman: Mr F. NAU Tel: (+352) 621.266.407

    Natur- a Geschichtsfrënn B.P. 63 L –5601 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: Mr J. GRÜN Tel: (+352) 621.289.440

    Saudámos Portugal Chairman: Mr C. SOARES Tel: (+352) 621.274.959

    Theaterfrënn MuWiss President: Mr C. STEPHANY Tel: (+352) 691.630.670

    WiisserleitChairman: Mr D. PIRES TE Tel: (+352) 621.790.525

  • Sport

    Angry Goats (US Mondorf Football supporter)President: Mr D. SOARES Tel: (+352) 691.902.287

    BBC Avanti-Mondorf 2000 (Basketball)Chairman: M. Y. BRAUN Tel: (+352) 661.323.880

    Boardbangers p.a SonnyKlein-Kemp Chairman: Mr F. KLEIN Tel: (+352) 691.468.295

    CARREAU Boules etPétanque President: Mr P. VITALI Tel: (+352) 621.222.155

    D.C. De gëllene Léiw a.s.b.l.President: Mr. K. Weyland Tel: 691 570 253

    DT Altwis – Gaasperech 17 (table tennis)President: Mr S. RECKEL Tel: (+352) 621.326.661

    Fëscherveräin “déi vun der Aalbaach “Chairman: Mr F. BOVE Tel: (+352) 621.172.809

    Fränk & Andy Schleck S.C.L. Support Cycling Luxembourg B.P. 31 L – 5601 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: Mr. S. SCHLECK www.schleckfans.com

    HSV FansLëtzebuergPresident: Mr R. HUBERTY Tel: (+352) 621 189 632

    JetskiclubLuxembourgPresident: Mr C. WEITZMANN Tel: (+352) 621.357.920

    Mondorf Martial ArtAcademyPresident: Mr J-P.
    SCHILTZ Tel: (+352) 621.704.771

    Mondorf PétanqueClubPresident: Mr E. RIGO Tel: (+352) 691.103.362

    MunnerëferVelosfrënnPresident: Mr P. NOCKELS Tel: (+352) 621.297.410

    NO LIMIT DIVERS ASBL fabiana.loureiro@nolimitdivers.lu

    Tennis Club Mondorf B.P. 19 L – 5601 MONDORF-LES-BAINS Secretary: Mr C. GOHY Tel: (+352) 621.225.424

    US Mondorf-les-Bains – Football B.P. 33 L – 5601 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: Mr C. STRASSER Tel: (+352) 621.163.430

    US Mondorf Football – Youth Committee 3, Campus Princes Charles L – 5650 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: Mr M. BRAUN Tel: (+352) 621.162.952

    US Mondorf TableTennisPresident: Mr F. ROLLMANN Tel: (+352) 621.393.315

  • Tourisme

    Syndicat d’Initiative de la Commune de Mondorf-les-Bains 26, avenue des Bains L – 5610 MONDORF-LES-BAINS President: G. SCHADECK Tel: (+352)

  • Cars

    Vintage Mustang Club ofLuxembourgPrésident: Mr N. JUNGERS Tel: (+352) 621.319.530

    Veteran & Vintage Car Club Luxembourg B.P. 2025 L – 1020 LUXEMBOURG President: Mr J.-P. FELTEN Tel: (+352) 621.218.222