Millbaach project launched in Altwies

Sale by emphyteutic lease of 4 single-family houses under construction at n° 3A), 3B), 3C) and 3D), Route de Mondorf, L-5670 Altwies

The college of burgomasters and aldermen of the Commune of Mondorf-les-Bains informs the public of the sale by long lease of four single-family houses under construction at nos. 3A), 3B), 3C) and 3D), Route de Mondorf, L-5670 Altwies, for a term of 99 years.

The sale will be based on specific criteria and a social survey to be carried out by the municipal services.

Only residents of the Commune of Mondorf-les-Bains who have been duly entered in the municipal register of natural persons and, where applicable, have a right of residence of more than three months at the time of application under the amended law of August 29, 2008 on the free movement of persons and immigration are eligible.

The selling prices for houses without land have been set as follows:

House 3A) €875,000
House 3B) €915,000
House 3C) €930,000
3D house) € 995,000

House 3A) does not have a recessed upper floor, and is primarily intended for single-parent households. The houses are sold free of kitchens, which are to be purchased by the future owners.

However, the sale prices of the buildings do not include the costs of connection fees for technical infrastructure, PAP preparation, insurance during the construction phase, building and road permits, soil analysis, technical monitoring of the project and landscaping around the “Gander”, so that the prices of the buildings are well below actual cost prices.

Applications must be submitted to the municipal administration using the attached form by October 31, 2023 at the latest. The requests
are returned to the applicant.

Items are only sold to individuals who have reached the age of majority at the time of application.

Only natural persons and members of their domestic community who are not the owner, co-divisor, emphyteutic lessee, superficiary or usufructuary of a dwelling or building plot, nor hold an interest in a company owning one or more dwellings, except for a business or office, in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg or abroad at the time of the deed, are eligible.

The sale is aimed at individuals who wish to acquire the property for their principal and permanent residence; the units must therefore not remain vacant.
and any rental in whole or in part is forbidden.

If you have any further questions, please contact the municipal administration by e-mail at

The college of mayor and aldermen
Steve RECKEL, Mayor, Claude SCHOMMER, Alderman, Tessy ALTMANN, Alderwoman